Getting Started
The Color Chips plugin extends Expressive Code to display a preview “chip” for colors in CSS code blocks. This guide will show you how to add it to your website.
Install the
dependency using your preferred package manager:Terminal window npm i expressive-code-color-chipsTerminal window yarn add expressive-code-color-chipsTerminal window pnpm add expressive-code-color-chips -
Add the plugin to your site’s Expressive Code configuration:
astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';import astroExpressiveCode from 'astro-expressive-code';import { pluginColorChips } from 'expressive-code-color-chips';export default defineConfig({integrations: [astroExpressiveCode({plugins: [pluginColorChips()],}),],});astro.config.mjs import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';import { pluginColorChips } from 'expressive-code-color-chips';export default defineConfig({integrations: [starlight({title: 'My Starlight site',expressiveCode: {plugins: [pluginColorChips()],},}),],});next.config.mjs import createMDX from '@next/mdx';import rehypeExpressiveCode from 'rehype-expressive-code';import { pluginColorChips } from 'expressive-code-color-chips';/** @type {import('rehype-expressive-code').RehypeExpressiveCodeOptions} */const rehypeExpressiveCodeOptions = {plugins: [pluginColorChips()],};/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */const nextConfig = {reactStrictMode: true,pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'md', 'mdx'],};const withMDX = createMDX({extension: /\.mdx?$/,options: {remarkPlugins: [],rehypePlugins: [// The nested array structure is required to pass options// to a rehype plugin[rehypeExpressiveCode, rehypeExpressiveCodeOptions],],},});export default withMDX(nextConfig);ec.config.mjs import { pluginColorChips } from 'expressive-code-color-chips';export default {plugins: [pluginColorChips()],}; -
That’s it! Colors in CSS code blocks will now be annotated with a small preview.
There is no specific syntax for this plugin.
It detects CSS color syntax in code blocks tagged with css
and annotates all valid colors it finds.
For example the following Markdown code:
```css.example { color: goldenrod;}```
Renders a code block with a chip next to the color goldenrod
.example { color: goldenrod;}
In addition to css
, this plugin also runs for scss
, sass
, less
, and stylus
code blocks.
For example:
```scss$primary: fuchsia;```
Which renders as:
$primary: fuchsia;
This is open-source software. If you run into any bugs, please report issues on GitHub.